

We make labia beautiful: remove unnecessary, return the lost...

Labiaplasty is one of the hottest plastic surgery procedures of the last 5 years with no end in sight. The surgical procedure is performed to reshape a woman’s labia minor, the inner “lips” of the vulva. You might believe that women are rushing to have this surgical procedure for functional reasons, but in a growing amount of cases, women just want to look and feel better to live a more comfortable life.

Labiaplasty is a plastic surgery procedure that gives women a new and powerful dose of confidence. "The intimate place after surgery not only looks better and feels better, but also sex can be much more enjoyable," - shares the feedback of patients, Dr. Puhtinzeff, the leading doctor of the clinic. Women are motivated to choose labiaplasty for many different reasons, including improving sexual health and the appearance of the genitals. Some women want to feel better about how they look and not worry about their ‘female parts’ getting in the way. One must understand that there is no " one size fits all” when it comes to labia. All women are different. The problem is only in convenience and aesthetic appearance.

Labiaplasty girl
Our advantage:
  • 95% of patients say: "it was worth it”;
  • € 500 - 1000 average cost of service;
  • confirmed by before and after photos;
  • complete solutions in one operation;
  • the best labiaplasty clinic in Moscow;
  • 3-5 days of idle physical activity;
  • local anesthesia, online support

Labiaplasty - operation details

A labiaplasty is a surgical procedure to reduce the size of the labia minora, effectively correcting aesthetic and physical ailments.

Labia minora anatomy

Specialist advice.
Make an appointment with an intimate surgeon and discuss with doctor all the details of the operation (which method of labiaplasty is better in your case, prices, features of care and terms of rehabilitation).

Delivery of tests.
The list of studies is usually small and includes:

  • smear on flora,
  • blood for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B and C,
  • the test for local anesthesia,
  • other tests (as indicated).

This manipulation is carried out under local anesthesia! General or intravenous anesthesia, as well as epidural anesthesia ("injection in the back"), we do not practice and categorically do not advise because of the high number of possible complications. We guarantee 100% absence of pain in labiaplasty.

Plastic surgery of the labia.
Duration - from 45-60 minutes (if we do only the labia minora) and up to 90 minutes (if the correction of the clitoris area or vaginal entrance is carried out at the same time). There is no pain, you can talk on the phone or read a book. At the end of the operation, the patient goes to the ward for observation. After 3-5 hours, making sure that there are no adverse reactions, the patient can safely go home (by car or by calling a taxi).

All the time it is important to observe personal and intimate hygiene, to process the sutures after labiaplasty, to exclude the possibility of infection in them. During 3 weeks it is necessary to avoid sexual intimacy, heavy physical activity, visiting baths, saunas, swimming pools, swimming in open waters. It is not recommended to use vibrators for 1-1. 5 months.

"Barbie Labiaplasty"

Barbie technique usually refers to the complete concealment of the labia minora. Girls who choose this technique need a smooth surface of the genitals, while the labia minora (inner lips) should not protrude beyond the large (outer lips). The hood of the clitoris is also reduced. This operation is therefore sometimes called Barbie labiaplasty, because these dolls have no obvious sexual characteristics.

"Labiaplasty Barbie" in Moscow can be done in our clinic. Rehabilitation after this operation is approximately 2-3 weeks. Price Barbie plastic operation from 2000€


3 куклы Барби

The price for labiaplasty 2024

The cost of services for plastic surgery and correction of labia minora.

Operation options
2 lips 1 difficulty category 1000€
2 lips 2 difficulty category 1700€
2 lips 3 difficulty category 2500€
1 lip 1000€
Presence of developmental abnormalities +300€
The hood of the clitoris (extra option) 600€

All services included (doctor's consultation, medical tests, anesthesia, surgery labiaplasty, observation, suture removal).
Payment in rubles at the exchange rate of the Central Bank.

Who is interested in the topic

If you want to do labiaplasty in Moscow with good, experienced specialists, we invite you to a consultation! Your desire + our capabilities = excellent result! See the address and map of the "Clinic of Intimate plastic" / Russia /. For intimate plastic surgery of the labia contact with us e-mail 📧, WhatsApp 📲 WhatsApp, Viber 📲 Viber.

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